Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference

Jaimie recently attended the Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference as keynote speaker and panel discussion participant.

Here is some of the feedback from teachers and school leaders:

  • What resonated most with me was the webinar's holistic view of education for sustainable impact. It wasn't just about teaching environmental science or sustainability concepts - it was about cultivating learners who are empowered to be ethical leaders, systems thinkers, and passionate advocates for a more equitable and regenerative future.

  • I used to think sustainability education was just about recycling and conservation, but now I realize it’s about empowering individuals to make holistic, informed choices that benefit both people and the planet. It’s about fostering a mindset of interconnectedness and responsibility towards our environment.

  • I used to think my actions towards sustainability in education will not amount to much in the long run and now I think one small action from my side can cause ripple effects for the coming generations.

  • I used to think that we needed to teach students about the problems happening in nature... now I think that we need to teach them starting from a positive aspect of nature, so they actually realize everything that’s going on and help them develop creativity.

Conference Recordings